Sabrent SBT-USC6M 6 feet USB to RS-232 DB9 Serial 9 pin Adapter (Prolific PL2303)Best Sabrent SBT-USC6M 6 feet USB to RS-232 DB9 Serial 9 pin Adapter (Prolific PL2303) Cheap. and Sabrent SBT-USC6M 6 feet USB to RS-232 DB9 Serial 9 pin Adapter (Prolific PL2303) Prices in USA.
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There are also a few close friends I highly recommend this product, so I immediately bought it. And finally last week I decided to buy it, i was very lucky because at the time of purchasing the product Sabrent SBT-USC6M 6 feet USB to RS-232 DB9 Serial 9 pin Adapter (Prolific PL2303), i get a Discount Price or the Best Deals of the store.
Product Description
The Sabrent USB to Serial SBT-USC6M converter is the perfect solution for transferring data from a PDA or digital camera. The USB to DB9 provides a connection between an available USB port and the more traditional RS-232 serial port found on many devices. This adapter is designed for connections to cellular phones, PDAs, digital cameras, modems, or ISDN terminal adapters through your USB port. Simply plug your device into the adapter and the adapter into your PC or Mac. COM ports and Baud rates can be modified to desired set up.
Works with devices with RS-232 serial ports like: other PCs with RS-232 ports, Bluetooth serial adapters, PDAs, GPS receivers, routers, firewalls, modems, printers, embedded character displays, scan tools, sonar units, embedded boards, etc. Specific devices include: Garmin eTrex GPS, Seiko Label Printer, iRobot Create, Cisco products with serial consoles, US Robotics Modems, NexStar telescopes, Equus Scan Tools, Uniden Hand Held Scanners, etc. Works with software like: HyperTerminal, TeraTerm, WinDBG, all open source serial software on Linux, etc.
* Cable Length: 6 FT cable.
* Side Connectors: Male Thumbscrews.
* Supports remote wake-up and power management.
* Supports automatic handshake mode.
* No IRQs, no IRQ conflicts.
* Provides a 96 byte buffer for each upstream and downstream data transfer.
* Compatible with USB Specification v1.1(0) & USB CDC v1.1, USB 2.0.
System requirements:
* Windows 98SE/ME/2000/XP/Sever2003/VISTA/7/Server2008 (all versions 32-bit and 64-bit)
* WinCE 4.2-5.2
* Windows Mobile 6, Windows Mobile 5, PocketPC 2003.
* Mac OS 8 & 9
* Mac OS X 10.1 and above for PowerPC based Mac
* Mac OS X 10.4-10.5 for PowerPC and Intel-based Mac
* Mac OS X 10.6 for Intel-based Mac (32-bit only)
* Linux RedHat 7.3/8.0/9.0 (Requires Drivers)
* Linux Kernel 2.4.10 and above already includes built-in drivers.
What's in the box?
* Sabrent USB to RS-232 DB9 Serial 9 pin Adapter (Prolific PL2303) SBT-USC6M.
* Driver CD
- Allows any PC to connect serial devices and programs that communicate through COM ports
- 6 feet cable with standard USB Type A Male to standard 9-pin DB9 RS-232 serial connector
- PL-2303 Chipset for widest possible compatibility with Windows, Mac, Linux, and other platforms
- Programmable baud rate from 75bps to 12Mbps. Typical speeds up to 230Kbps
- Plug and play creation of a COM port. Powered by USB - no external power needed
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