OUTDOOR HD TV ANTENNA AMPLIFIED DIRECTIONAL HDTV HIGH GAIN UHF VHF FM 180 MILES, Best suited to metropolitan and fringe areas to receive UHF channels.Best OUTDOOR HD TV ANTENNA AMPLIFIED DIRECTIONAL HDTV HIGH GAIN UHF VHF FM 180 MILES, Best suited to metropolitan and fringe areas to receive UHF channels. Cheap. and OUTDOOR HD TV ANTENNA AMPLIFIED DIRECTIONAL HDTV HIGH GAIN UHF VHF FM 180 MILES, Best suited to metropolitan and fringe areas to receive UHF channels. Prices in USA.
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Product Description
Tunes to both horizontal and vertical polarized signals and can pick up UHF/VHF TV and FM radio as well as digital signals. Best suited to metropolitan and fringe areas to receive UHF channels. Heavy-duty and well-streamlined shape make for better sealing against elements. Easy and safe installation made possible by sophisticated design. Designed for most efficient reception of signals. Equipped with super compact amplifier (LNA) to improve image resolution.
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