Plantronics USB Adaptor Explorer 320 VoyagerBest Plantronics USB Adaptor Explorer 320 Voyager Cheap. and Plantronics USB Adaptor Explorer 320 Voyager Prices in USA.
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Product Description
Simply plug the Plantronics USB Charger into the USB port on your computer then plug the other end into your Plantronics Bluetooth headset and you're set.
Part #: 69519-01 / 70218-01
Compatible With: Plantronics Voyager 510 510S 520 Discovery 640 640E 645 655 665 590A 590E Explorer 320 340 350 Bluetooth Headsets. This product is also compatible with Calisto Pro.
- Plugs directly into your computer's USB port.
- Length - 4.5 feet (54 inches)
- Charge your Plantronics Bluetooth Headset while on Computer.
- Input - 5DC ; 90mAh
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