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- 32" LED Computer Touchscreen and HD Smart Television in One (2-touch)
- Multi-touch gestures in Mac OS X, and Windows 7/8/10
- Motion COMMAND works with any software or webpage
- 1080x1920
- HDMI, USB, Composite
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search result of Music Computing MCLCDTTV3202 32" 2-Touch Smart TV Touchscreen Win and Mac OS
Music Computing MCLCDTTV3202 32" 2-Touch Smart TV ... Product Description. Motion COMMAND touchscreens are Mac OS X and Windows 7, 8 & 10 compatible for multi-touch gestures. Motion COMMANDs are the only touchscreens in the world with touchscreen capabilities combined with Smart TV functions available in both 1080p and 4K Ultra HD resolutions. 4K Ultra HD will show close to 4 times more pixels ... Customer reviews: Music Computing MCLCDTTV3202 ... Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Music Computing MCLCDTTV3202 32" 2-Touch Smart TV Touchscreen Win and Mac OS at Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. Music Computing MCLCDTTV3202 32" 2-Touch Smart TV ... Motion COMMAND touchscreens are Mac OS X and Windows 7, 8 & 10 compatible for multi-touch gestures. Motion COMMANDs are the only touchscreens in the world with touchscreen capabilities combined with Smart TV functions available in both 1080p and 4K Ultra HD resolutions. 4K Ultra HD will show close to 4 times more pixels than 1080p, which ... MotionCOMMAND 32" (2-touch) - Music Computing Smart TV functionality is controlled by the provided remote control and is built into the MotionCOMMAND complete with Wi-Fi access and content streaming. Software applications and web browsing provided by any attached computer system can be controlled by the touchscreen surface on the MotionCOMMAND. smart tv - Music Computing: Electronics Online shopping from a great selection at Electronics Store. Auction Nation - Auction: GLENDALE High End Consumer ... This item, MUSIC COMPUTING MCLCDTTV3202 32" 2-Touch Smart TV Touchscreen Win and Mac OS, Appears New (Original Stand Not Included), is part of the auction: GLENDALE High End Consumer Electronics Auction 06/15/17 ID:5203.