MFJ Wire antenna, 40m-10m, G5RV jr dipole and Ham Guides TM Pocket Reference Card BundleBest MFJ Wire antenna, 40m-10m, G5RV jr dipole and Ham Guides TM Pocket Reference Card Bundle Cheap. and MFJ Wire antenna, 40m-10m, G5RV jr dipole and Ham Guides TM Pocket Reference Card Bundle Prices in USA.
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There are also a few close friends I highly recommend this product, so I immediately bought it. And finally last week I decided to buy it, i was very lucky because at the time of purchasing the product MFJ Wire antenna, 40m-10m, G5RV jr dipole and Ham Guides TM Pocket Reference Card Bundle, i get a Discount Price or the Best Deals of the store.
Product Description
G5RV Junior HF Antenna
The MFJ-1778M antenna is a multi-band center-fed dipole antenna capable of 1500 Watts. It consists of 52 feet flat-top fed with 17 feet of 450 Ohm matching section ending in an SO-239 coax connector.
This antenna generally requires the use of a suitable matching network (antenna tuner) since the SWR of the G5RV JR. is almost certainly not 1:1 on any band. The use of a tuner will guarantee maximum performance from solid-state exciters.
The MFJ-1778M is a balanced antenna that is fed by an unbalanced coaxial line. This feed system causes unwanted parallel RF currents to appear on the shield of the coaxial feedline.
A choke type balun such as the MFJ-915 should be used with this antenna to eliminate or reduce the undesirable parallel feed line currents. Failure to use a choke balun may result in RFI, RF feedback, or other symptoms of RF in the shack.
- MFJ Wire antenna, 40m-10m, G5RV jr dipole
- Ham Guides TM Pocket Reference Card Bundle
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