DIRECTV CCK-W Wireless Cinema Connection Kit (DCAW1R1-01)Best DIRECTV CCK-W Wireless Cinema Connection Kit (DCAW1R1-01) Cheap. and DIRECTV CCK-W Wireless Cinema Connection Kit (DCAW1R1-01) Prices in USA.
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Product Description
DIRECTVs new all-in-one solution for providing wireless connectivity for those who do not have a coaxial connection near their home network. It combines the function of a traditional wireless networking adapter and a Broadband Cinema Connection Kit. Compatible with the following three most common networking scenarios: Single receiver without SWiM, single receiver with SWiM, and whole home setup SWiM
- More recent version of the DIRECTV Wireless Cinema Connection Kit
- Easily access TV Apps on HD DVR at any time
- Instant Access to DIRECTV Cinema offering over 6000 shows and movies
- Stream YouTube videos to the TV using Smart Search
- Use the DIRECTV iPad App to turn any iPad into the ultimate DIRECTV Remote Control
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Directv : The Satellite Shop, Satellite Dish Equipment ... The 10PINCOMPOS is a 10 pin optional adapter that allows your DIRECTV C31 satellite receiver to connect to your television and to other devices using composite cables.