Ultra PC Mac VGA to TV Video Scan Converter ~ 2048x1536 PixelsBest Ultra PC Mac VGA to TV Video Scan Converter ~ 2048x1536 Pixels Cheap. and Ultra PC Mac VGA to TV Video Scan Converter ~ 2048x1536 Pixels Prices in USA.
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Product Description
Ultra Computer VGA to Composite RCA S-Video Scan Converter Ultra PC Mac VGA to TV Video Scan Converter This computer VGA to video scan converter provides an easy way to convert computer video into standard RCA and s-video type for display on a regular TV or recording by computer capture device or video recorder with great video quality. Super easy setup in 1 minute ! Simply connect the VGA output from a laptop or desktop computer to this scan converter first. Then connect the composite RCA video or s-video output from this converter to a TV or video recorder. The whole setup is done and this VGA to TV video scan converter will do the rest for you. This high-end VGA to RCA s-video converter supports very wide range of VGA resolutions ranging from 640x480 pixels to 2048x1536 pixels, far greater than other scan converter models in the market. This converter is DC powered using the supplied AC/DC power adapter, unlike other cheaper scan converter powered by USB ports. Simultaneous Dual Video Outputs This unit provides simultaneous composite video output and s-video output in selectable NTSC or PAL format so users can hook up to multiple recorders or video monitors of different video system for setup.
- Automatic anti-flickering control for high clarity video displays.
- Specially-designed for handling VGA outputs from high-end graphic workstations with video card scan rates exceeding 100 kHz.
- comprehensive range of the VGA input resolution from 640x480 to 2048x1536 pixels.
- Compatible with PC, Mac and Linux.
- Overscan/Underscan Support
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