CP Technologies Web Smart 10/100/1000 Based-T to 1000LX SMF SC Media Converter (GVS-3110)Best CP Technologies Web Smart 10/100/1000 Based-T to 1000LX SMF SC Media Converter (GVS-3110) Cheap. and CP Technologies Web Smart 10/100/1000 Based-T to 1000LX SMF SC Media Converter (GVS-3110) Prices in USA.
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Product Description
The LevelOne Web Smart Media Converter GVS-3110 is designed to make conversion between 10/100/1000BASE-T and 1000BASE-LX10 SMF SC Ethernet. With web-based management, the network administrator can log on to the converter remotely to monitor, configure and control the status of each unit. The overall network reliability is enhanced, and the network efficiency is also improved to accommodate and deliver high bandwidth applications.
- Extend VGA(HD15)+3.5mm audio+composite video signals up to 300ft at 1920x1200 resolution
- Source device with a standard VGA video, stereo audio, and composite video and stereo audio outputs
- One transmitter, box or wall plate
- HTTP Management with remote firmware upgrade supported
- ICMP and ARP protocols supported
- DHCP Client for easy IP address setup
- LLCF (Link Loss Carry Forward) and LLR (Link Loss Return) supported
- IEEE 802.1Q VLAN and Double VLAN (Q-in-Q) supported
- Support 802.3x Flow Control to prevent lost data by controlling the device flow loading
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