VSEDIDHD EDID Emulator for HDMI Displays, Copy Extended Display Identification Data, BlackBest VSEDIDHD EDID Emulator for HDMI Displays, Copy Extended Display Identification Data, Black Cheap. and VSEDIDHD EDID Emulator for HDMI Displays, Copy Extended Display Identification Data, Black Prices in USA.
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There are also a few close friends I highly recommend this product, so I immediately bought it. And finally last week I decided to buy it, i was very lucky because at the time of purchasing the product VSEDIDHD EDID Emulator for HDMI Displays, Copy Extended Display Identification Data, Black, i get a Discount Price or the Best Deals of the store.
Product Description
Add emulated EDID (Extended Display Identification Data) to your HDMI signal to ensure compatibility with your display or projector - This EDID emulator resolves video communication problemsthat can occur between your HDMI video source and display. The emulator can copy orsynthesizethe Extended Display Identification Data (EDID) from your HDMIdisplay and relay it to your video source, fixing problems thatoccur from using 3rd party equipment like video extenders, switches or KVMs in your video setup. EDID contains important information that your television or projector needs, to deliver its best picture quality.Because most video extenders or switches blockEDID communication betweenyour video source and display, EDIDis often lost in transmission,limiting your video source's ability to output your display's native resolution. Using the EDID emulator, you can ensureyour HDMIsource and display are perfectly in sync, for crystal-clear picture quality. The EDID emulator supports bothEDID copying and EDID ghosting. EDID copyingsaves the EDID settings from your display and communicates those exact settings to your source, while EDID ghosting lets you emulate generic EDID settings, to deliver common data to your source or display. EDID communications containa lot of importantsettings, such as maximum image size, color characteristics, factory preset timings, frequency range limits and more. With all of these specific details, it's easy to be confused or crossed up by the data. This emulator eliminates the hassle and confusion that comes with EDID, giving you a rotary dial that you can use to configureall of your settings in one simple step.
- Add copied or ghosted EDID (Extended Display Identification Data) to your HDMI signal to ensure compatibility with your display or projector
- Works with HDMI video sources such as Blu-ray players & computers and HDMI monitor, projectors and televisions
- Supports resolutions up to 1080p
- EDID emulator / HDMI EDID emulator / EDID emulator with HDCP / EDID ghost / EDID copy
- Maximizes compatibility between your HDMI display and video sources with EDID emulation
- No power adapter required
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