Decimator DMON-4S Quad (3G/HD/SD)-SDI to HDMI Multiviewer and ConverterBest Decimator DMON-4S Quad (3G/HD/SD)-SDI to HDMI Multiviewer and Converter Cheap. and Decimator DMON-4S Quad (3G/HD/SD)-SDI to HDMI Multiviewer and Converter Prices in USA.
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Product Description
The Decimator Design DMON-4S Quad (3G/HD/SD)-SDI to HDMI Multiviewer and Converter is a truly portable converter, that incorporates our new easy to use LCD and button control system. This gives you easy access to all of the amazing features without using complicated LED/button control, dip switches or having to carry around a computer to change a simple setting. Includes 4 independent mini HDMI outputs that can each output any of the four (3G/HD/SD)-SDI inputs or a Quad-Split of all them. For example you could use the unit to have: - 4 independent SDI to HDMI converters. - 3 independent SDI to HDMI converters with a quad-split output. - 2 independent SDI to 2 x HDMI converters with loop through. - A single SDI or Quad-Splt to 4 x HDMI outputs. Inputs 2 and 4 can be individually changed to output active loop copies of inputs 1 and 2 respectively. Quad-Split mode allows selection of audio from any input. Includes: USB port for control and firmware updates. Heavy duty metal box. Metal Thread Locking DC Power Socket. Power Supply. HDMI Cable. USB Cable.
- The Decimator Design DMON-4S Quad (3G/HD/SD)-SDI to HDMI Multiviewer and Converter is a truly portable converter, that incorporates our new easy to use LCD and button control system.
- This gives you easy access to all of the amazing features without using complicated LED/button control, dip switches or having to carry around a computer to change a simple setting.
- Includes 4 independent mini HDMI outputs that can each output any of the four (3G/HD/SD)-SDI inputs or a Quad-Split of all them.
- For example you could use the unit to have: - 4 independent SDI to HDMI converters.
- - 3 independent SDI to HDMI converters with a quad-split output.
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