50 Pairs - FLAT- 3D Glasses Red and Cyan WHITE Frame Anaglyph CardboardBest 50 Pairs - FLAT- 3D Glasses Red and Cyan WHITE Frame Anaglyph Cardboard Cheap. and 50 Pairs - FLAT- 3D Glasses Red and Cyan WHITE Frame Anaglyph Cardboard Prices in USA.
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There are also a few close friends I highly recommend this product, so I immediately bought it. And finally last week I decided to buy it, i was very lucky because at the time of purchasing the product 50 Pairs - FLAT- 3D Glasses Red and Cyan WHITE Frame Anaglyph Cardboard, i get a Discount Price or the Best Deals of the store.
Product Description
SHIPS FAST Same Day from Nevada - Why Wait?
- White cardboard frames with temples for a low-cost solution of your anaglyph needs. With red and cyan filters, the glasses can be used for either red left or red right depending on which way you fold the temples. Two different fold-scores allow you to fit the glasses to smaller or larger viewer's heads
- To be used for Anaglyph Internet images, 3D Anaglyph DVDs (movies), Anaglyph Prints and wherever red/cyan images are to be found.
- Used for 3D (Red and CYAN) viewing on internet, DVDs, VHS tapes and broadcast TV (anaglyph)
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