20 Meter Band HF Mobile Stick AntennaBest 20 Meter Band HF Mobile Stick Antenna Cheap. and 20 Meter Band HF Mobile Stick Antenna Prices in USA.
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Product Description
Mobile 20 Meter Ham Amateur Radio Ham Stick type Antenna.
- Mobile Antenna for the 20 Meter Ham Radio Band.
- Approx. 4ft Black fiberglass topped with 4ft stainless stell tunable whip.
- Has standard 3/8-24 base mounting thread, handles 250 Watts.
- Requires suitable Optional mount & cable.
- Tuneable.
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MFJ Enterprises Inc. All information, images, and documents on this website are the sole property of MFJ Enterprises, Inc. Any reuse or redistribution of the contents of this website are ... eHam.net Reviews - Antennas: HF: Vertical, Wire, Loop Follow the links in the table to read reviews. You can also add a new product or service in the Antennas: HF: Vertical, Wire, Loop category. Mobile Radio Antennas - American Radio Supply Home; About Us. Contact Us; Payment; Shipping; Easy Returns. Comet Antenna Warranty Information; OPEK Antenna Warranty Information; American Radio Supply Warranty 11 meter band antenna / 22 Links - Page 1 - dxzone.com Antennas: 2M. QM5 Yagi for 2 meters band - The QM5 antenna is a simple 5 elements Yagi with 1.88 m boom length for the lower 144 MHz SSB/MGM band, I used it mainly ... Antenna, Commercial - K0BG Last Modified: August 10, 2016 Contents: Basics; Esoteric Flaws; Short, Stubby Antennas; A Few Notes On Motors; Standard Sized Antennas; Spirally Wound Antennas; ... Radio Oasis - G5RV Junior - Multiband Wire Dipole Antenna Radio Oasis - G5RV Junior - Multiband Wire Antenna. The G5RV, invented by Louis Varney (G5RV) in 1946, is a dipole with a symmetric resonant feeder line used in ... 10 Meter Ham Band Introduction for New Ham Radio Operators Upgrade to General Class with the General Class License Manual! Action on 10 meters Lots of 10 meter buffs love to set up schedules, (skeds), on certain hours and ... Amateur Radio Antenna Projects AC6V's HOMEBREW ANTENNAS LINKS INCLUDING ANTENNA THEORY . Note The following antenna projects were gathered from the internet, therefore the author does not endorse ... 2 METER,144 MHZ - MFJ Enterprises Inc. ANTENNAS--> 2 METER,144 MHZ: Product ID: Product Description: Price: MFJ-1022: ANTENNA, .3-200 MHZ ACTIVE ANTENNA: $69.95: MFJ-1402: MOBILE ANTENNA, 144/440 DB, SHORT ... antenna - Antennas: Vertical Antennas for HF mobile operation The following description should give you guidance on how to build a mobile antenna for HF bands yourself, using a very cheap CB ...