24 Pairs - NEON Prism Diffraction Fireworks Glasses - For Laser Shows, Raves - Ships FlatBest 24 Pairs - NEON Prism Diffraction Fireworks Glasses - For Laser Shows, Raves - Ships Flat Cheap. and 24 Pairs - NEON Prism Diffraction Fireworks Glasses - For Laser Shows, Raves - Ships Flat Prices in USA.
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There are also a few close friends I highly recommend this product, so I immediately bought it. And finally last week I decided to buy it, i was very lucky because at the time of purchasing the product 24 Pairs - NEON Prism Diffraction Fireworks Glasses - For Laser Shows, Raves - Ships Flat, i get a Discount Price or the Best Deals of the store.
Product Description
Want to view the world in a whole new way? Try on a pair of our diffraction glasses and see a new perspective on light and color! You'll see rainbows where ever there is white light and the rainbow bursts will amaze you!View your world in bright new colors as you watch Fireworks Displays. Experiment and have fun viewing rainbows.Be amazed - with our eye-opening glasses, the world will never be the same!
- 24 Pairs - 6 each of 4 different neon colors - each pair is individually folded in a clear reusable sleeve
- Want to view the world in a whole new way? Try on a pair of our diffraction glasses and see a new perspective on light and color! You'll see rainbows where ever there is white light and the rainbow bursts will amaze you! View your world in bright new colors as you watch Fireworks Displays. Experiment and have fun viewing rainbows. Be amazed - with our eye-opening glasses, the world will never be the same!
- See Rainbows
- Try on a pair of our diffraction glasses and see a new perspective on light and color! You'll see rainbows where ever there is white light and the rainbow bursts will amaze you!
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