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Product Description
The USB2-H-1004 provides a simple method of adapting four legacy serial devices with RS232 interfaces to modern USB ports. This is accomplished by incorporating the industry standard FTDI FT4232H Hi-Speed USB-Serial bridge chip. The integrated electronics also include RS232 level shifters and TXD/RXD LEDs to provide a visual indication of data traffic through the adapter. The enclosure incorporates a standard USB-miniB device connector for connection to an upstream host or hub port. RS232-level signals, including modem handshake signals, are available on an industry-standard DE-9P connector. The maximum RS232-level data rate is 1 Mbps. Uses royalty-free FTDI drivers for Windows, MAC and Linux.
- W: 67.5mm x L: 159.8mm x H: 21.25mm - excluding wall-mount brackets
- Black / Silver
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