Ralink RT5370 Raspberry PI wifi adapter/ wifi dongle with soft AP functionBest Ralink RT5370 Raspberry PI wifi adapter/ wifi dongle with soft AP function Cheap. and Ralink RT5370 Raspberry PI wifi adapter/ wifi dongle with soft AP function Prices in USA.
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Product Description
FX-5370A Raspberry PI wifi adapter allows allows you to connect your laptop or desktop to any Wireless-N networks in your home or office. The Wireless-N (802.11n) USB 2.0 Adapter is great for those who want to upgrade older computers to be able to access the internet over a Wireless-N network.At 5 times faster than traditional Wireless-G (802.11b) networks, Wireless-N networks allow for high speed data transfers, online gaming, and lightning fast downloads. The Wireless-N USB 2.0 Adapter gives you access to all the high-speed features of Wireless-N networks on older and newer computers. Its simple and easy setup means you'll be surfing the internet, downloading movies, and e-mail in no time. This item also provide Support Skybox, Openbox, Raspberry Pi, Wifi Reciver soft AP function.
- Chipset: Ralink RT5370
- Standard: 802.11b/g/n
- Item: Rasbperry PI wifi adapter
- Interface: USB 2.0
- Transmission Rate: 150Mbps
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