Winegard LNA-200 Boost XT Digital HDTV PreamplifierBest Winegard LNA-200 Boost XT Digital HDTV Preamplifier Cheap. and Winegard LNA-200 Boost XT Digital HDTV Preamplifier Prices in USA.
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Product Description
Boost your antenna with the Winegard Boost XT Digital HDTV Preamplifier. This preamplifier with TwinAmp technology separately amplifies VHF and UHF signals for maximum performance on any non-amplified outdoor antenna.
- Works With Any Non-Amplified/Passive Antenna
- TwinAmp Technology Separately Amplifies VHF and UHF Signals
- Ultra Low Noise - 1 dB Typical
- 10X More Power Handling Capability
- Designed and Assembled in the USA. Please Note: Kindly refer the User Manual before use.
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